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Finding Your SMTP Server IP Address

In this tutorial we will walk you through finding your SMTP server IP address.

The Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is used to send email from email clients (e.g. Gmail, Outlook, etc,). The generic SMTP addresses usually look like “mail.mywebsite.com”. 

However, some email clients and website contact forms require the actual SMTP server IP address, not just the generic address. You can easily find your SMTP server address by using your generic server address to retrieve it.

To find your SMTP server IP, follow these steps:

  1. Using your computer, open the terminal or command prompt.
    - On Windows, select the Start icon > then type “Run” > then type “cmd” and press Enter.
    - On Mac, press “CMD” + Spacebar (at the same time) > type “Terminal” > Double-click on Terminal in the left sidebar.

  2. Inside the terminal/command prompt, type “ping yourgenericmailaddress”, then press “Enter”.
    For example, if your generic SMTP address is “mail.mywebsite.com”, you will type: “ping mail.mywebsite.com” (no quotations).

  3. Wait for the request to be completed then in the response you will see a line similar to: “Pinging mail.mywebsite.com []”
    The numerical address inside the square brackets is your SMTP server’s IP address.
    Ping SMTP Server IP

  4. Congratulations! You have successfully retrieved your SMTP Server’s IP address.
    You can use this address when configuring your outgoing mail server in your email client or contact form settings.

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