Viewing Your Products & Services Print

  • Viewing Products, Viewing Services, Viewing Domains, Client Portal, Viewing Hosting
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Viewing Your Products & Services

In this tutorial we will walk you through viewing your MCloud9 products/services.

After purchasing one of our MCloud9 products/services they will be automatically added to your Client Portal.

To view your products and services, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your Client Portal.
    Follow this guide to learn how to access your Client Portal.

  2. Select the “Services” box near the top of the Home page, or select “Services” in the side menu and choose “My Services”.
    Access your domains by selecting the “Domains” box near the top of the Home page, or by selecting “Domains” and choosing “My Domains” in the side menu.
    Select Services Box
    Select Domains Box

  3. This will display a list of your products/services along with some information relevant to each.
    Select a product/service to see more options relating to it.
    Select a Product or Service
    Viewing Your Hosting Service
    Viewing Your Domains

  4. After you have finished viewing your products/services remember to log out.
    Log out by selecting the Profile Menu (the circular “avatar” icon at the top-right) and choosing “Logout” at the bottom of the dropdown menu. 

Here are some other tutorials you may find useful:

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